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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Qualities to talk about in an Interview: (मुलाखती दरम्यान गुणवत्तेविषयी बोलणे)

Qualities to talk about in an Interview: (मुलाखती दरम्यान गुणवत्तेविषयी बोलणे)

1. Diligent: having or showing care in one's work or duties. (मेहनती,परिश्रमशील)
Eg: I am very diligent. I do whatever it takes to get the job done.

2. Conscientious: (of a person) wishing to do what is right, especially to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly. (प्रामाणिक)
Eg: I am a conscientious person, who always strives to do things the right way.

3. Reliable: consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted. (विश्वसनीय,भरवसा ठेवण्यायोग्य)
Eg: I am reliable and I believe in quality work.

4. Creative: involving the imagination or original ideas. (रचनात्मक,सर्जनशील)
Eg: I am creative and this gives me an edge over others.

5. Responsible: capable of being trusted. (जबाबदार, विश्वासार्ह,भरवशाचा)
Eg: I was responsible for handling the Marketing campaigns at my previous organization.

6. Analytical: relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning. (विश्लेषणात्मक, वैश्लेषिक,विश्लेषण करणे) 
Eg: My analytical skills have been lauded before. 

7. Determined: firm and committed. (निश्चयी,वचनबद्ध)   
Eg: I am determined to become a manager, I will work hard for it.

8. Confident: self-assured. (आत्मविश्वास असणे)
Eg: I am confident that I would be a great fit for this role.

9. Disciplined: showing a controlled form of behavior or way of working. (शिस्तबद्ध)
Eg: I am very disciplined and punctual.

10. Articulate: having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently. (बोलण्यात वाकबगार,स्वत:ची मते स्पष्ट शब्दात मांडू शकणारा)
Eg: I am an effective communicator, and extremely articulate, and I believe that this will make me a perfect fit in a front facing role. 

11. Eloquent: fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing. (वक्तृत्वपूर्ण,स्पष्ट आणि मन वळवू शकणारे बोलणे किंवा लिखाण)
Eg: My eloquence makes me a good fit for content writing roles.

12. Organized: having things done in order. (क्रमाने गोष्टी करणे, व्यवस्थित ठेवणे)
Eg: I am organized and stick to deadlines.

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