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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Exam related words and phrases

Exam related words and phrases

1. Mid-term: an exam in the middle of an academic term.
2. Entrance exam: an exam that you take to be accepted into a school, university, organization, etc. 
3. Viva:  an examination conducted by spoken communication.
4. Invigilator: to watch examination candidates, esp. to prevent cheating
5. Multiple Choice: giving you several answers from which you have to choose the one that you think is correct
6. Revision: study of information that was studied before


1. Burn the candle at both ends = stay up late into the night and then get up early next day to carry on working
2. Hit the books = begin to study hard
3. Knuckle down = focus on a project or a task
4. Learn something off by heart = learn something in such a way that you can say it from memory
5. Ace a test = obtain a very high score or an excellent result
6. Pass with flying colours = do very well in a test or exam

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