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Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Interview Questions Guidelines for framing interview questions:

Interview Questions

 Guidelines for framing interview questions:

1) Use simple and acceptable language while framing interview questions.

2) Questions should be assisted with statements to make it more convincing.

3) Use the given table as well as points and draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality.

4) Do not change the sequence of the questions given in the table. 

5) Grammar structure must be given priority.

Framing Interview Questions

Scheme of Marking:

Appropriate Framing of Questions: 2 Marks

Language and Style: 1 Mark

Proper framing of questions: 1 Mark

Total: 4 Marks

Activity No. 1

Imagine that you have to conduct an interview of a distinguished personality in the field of your own choice. With the help of the given table and points draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions)

Use the following format and write answer:

 Name of the Interviewee 

(Distinguished personality)


 Area of Success/ Reputation




 Duration of Interview



 Questions based on


 1. Early life/struggle


 2. Hurdles in Education


 3. Role Model/ inspiration


 4. Family support


 5. First success/ Achievement


 6. Success Plan


 7. Dreams unfulfilled


 8. Message



Name of the Interviewee

(Distinguished personality)

Mr. Mukesh Ambani

Area of Success/ Reputation



23 April 2021, Radio FM 99 studio, 10 a.m.

Duration of Interview

30 Minutes


Questions based on


1.Early life/struggle

I have heard that you have faced a lot of challenges in the beginning. Can you tell our audience about them?

2.Hurdles in Education

You have had a great academic track record. But you did face some hurdles. What were the hurdles you had faced in your life?

3.Role Model/ inspiration


Many people have motivated and inspired us in our life. Shall we know who were they in your case?

4.Family support

Family support is very important to develop business. How did your family help you?

5.First success/ Achievement

You achieved a lot of success in your life. Which achievement do you consider as the best?

6.Success Plan

Careful and effective planning is essential to become successful. What is your method to make such plan?

7.Dreams unfulfilled

I am sure that you won’t stop here. Do you have any unfulfilled dream project?


Our audience is extremely excited about getting some tips and suggestions from you. What is your message for them?

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