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Monday, March 22, 2021

Phrases for friends: (मित्रांसाठीचे वाक्यांश)

Phrases for friends: (मित्रांसाठीचे वाक्यांश)

1. A friend in need is a friend indeed: a person who helps at a difficult time is a person who you can really rely on. (संकटकाळी मदत करणाऱ्या व्यक्तीवरच तुम्ही अवलंबून राहू शकता.)
E.g. You are a friend in need, you are, Sam!

2. A man is known by the company he keeps: our character is reflected in our choice of friends. (एखाद्या व्यक्तीचे जसे मित्र असतात त्यावरून त्या व्यक्तीची ओळख होते.)
E.g.  Son, when you go away to school, spend your time with serious people; don't hang around with people who go to parties all the time. A man is known by the company he keeps.

3. Birds of a feather flock together: people who have the same outlook / tastes / interests will be found in each other's company. (समान आवड, निवड असणाऱ्या व्यक्तींचाच गट तयार होतो.)
E.g. These health professionals sure were birds of a feather.

4. To hit it off: to find yourself immediately and naturally friendly with someone. (एखाद्या व्यक्तीशी मित्रत्वाचे नाते सहज जुळणे.)
E.g. We had similar ideas about the show, and the two of us hit it off right away.

5. To be joined at the hip: to be inseparable. (वेगळे न होणारे,घट्ट सलोखा असणे.)
E.g. Those two are joined at the hip. They are always together. 

6. A shoulder to cry on: someone who listens to your problems. (तुमच्या समस्या ऐकणारी व्यक्ती)
E.g. He was a fatherly shoulder to cry on when the going was tough.

7. No love lost: disagree with someone. (एखाद्याशी असहमत असणे.)
E.g. They used to be best friends but they had a huge fight about money. Now there's no love lost between them.

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