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Thursday, March 4, 2021

Today, we will learn about phrases that one should use while agreeing or disagreeing with something.

Today, we will learn about phrases that one should use while agreeing or disagreeing with something.

1. That's right!

2. Definitely!

3. Exactly!

4. So do I

5. No doubt about it.

6. We're in accord

7. Our thoughts are parallel

8. That's just what I was thinking.

9. I could not have said it any better

10. I think you are totally right about that. 

11. You got it.

12. Absolutely!

13. I agree with you.

14. You're so right.

Phrases to use - to disagree

1. I agree with you to a point, but..

2. I understand what you are saying, however...

3. I see what you are saying, but..

4. I am afraid, I don't agree...

5. I'm sorry but, I just can't agree...

6. Sorry, but I really can't agree to that...

7. Hmm.. I wonder if it's true that...

8. I don't think that's such a good idea...

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