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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

For Grammar activities it is suggested that in the Activity Sheet, set activities with multiple choice options. So lets try to set Grammar Activities on the textual content.**Text book topic- 1.1 An Astrologer’s Day**Extract No.1:*

*For Grammar activities it is suggested that in the Activity Sheet, set activities with multiple choice options. So lets try to set Grammar Activities on the textual content.*

*Text book topic- 1.1 An Astrologer’s Day*
*Extract No.1:* 
Punctually at midday he opened his bag------- he deserved the wages he carried home at the end of a day. (Text Book Page No. 2 and 3)

Activity: Do as directed. (Choose the correct option.)

*1) Punctually at midday he opened his bag.*
*(The correct transformation of this sentence into compound sentence is-----)*
a) Punctually at midday and he opened his bag.
b) He was punctual at midday so opened his bag.
c) At midday he opened his bag and he was punctual.
*d) He was punctual so opened his bag at midday.*
(Somewhat getting confused.)
*2) He opened his bag and spread out his professional equipment.*
*(The correct transformation of this sentence into simple sentence is------)*
a) When he opened his bag, he spread out his professional equipment.
b) He opened his bag so that he should spread out his professional equipment.
*c) He opened his bag to spread out his professional equipment.*
d) Spreading out his professional equipment, he opened his bag.

*3) His forehead was resplendent with sacred ash and vermilion.*
*(The word ‘respledent’ is -------- )*
a) a verb
*b) an adjective*
c) an adverb
d) a noun

*4) The power of his eyes was considerably enhanced by their position*
*(The correct active voice for this sentence is-------)*
a) The power of his eyes considerably enhanced by their position.
b) Their position was considerably enhanced by the power of his eyes.
*c) The position of his eyes considerably enhanced the power of his eyes.*
d) The position of his eyes was considerably enhanced the power of his eyes.

*5) This colour scheme never failed.*
*(Choose the correct affirmative sentence having the same meaning given in the above sentence)*
a) This colour scheme failed. 
b) This colour scheme always failed.
c) This colour scheme was never successful.
*d) This colour scheme was always successful.*

*Try to find answers.*
🔹Tried to find answers.

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